What We Do
Project Avary is a year-round program,
tailored to Meet the unique emotional needs of children with a parent in prison. We intervene early in the lives of children, at the ages of 8 to 11, and we make a long-term 10-year commitment to each child and family.
Here are the programs that we offer:
Children’s Mentoring Programs
Summer camp provides children and teens a safe place in nature for self-discovery, reflection, and for connecting with the curative powers of the outdoors. The school-year program offers weekly weekend outings and retreats that strengthen connections to the Avary community, introduce children to a diversity of experiences and perspectives, build resilience, self-confidence, and develop basic social and life skills.
For additional information about the Children's Mentoring Program click here.
Teen Leadership Mentoring Programs
At age 14, teens go through a wilderness rite of passage to mark their transition from camper to teen leader. Summer camp and monthly outdoor and wilderness outings build community, leadership, and important social and emotional skills. The Junior Counselor program, beginning at age 15, empowers teen leaders to guide and counsel younger children in the program. The Peace Makers is the teen advocacy group, which gives voice to the forgotten needs of the children of incarcerated parents and asserts the implementation of the CIP bill of rights at the local, state and national level.
For additional information about the Teen Leadership Mentoring Program click here.
“Avary is a safe place for everyone. I care about everyone on Avary staff and campers because they have always showed me love and that they cared and that they want me to be someone.” ”
Research tells us that children whose parents have been incarcerated:
- May show signs of depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder
- Are more likely to end up in juvenile detention than their peers
- Struggle in school and experience higher dropout rates
- Are at higher risk for drug and alcohol addiction and teen parenthood
- Can be distrustful of adults and authority
- Often experience abuse and/or neglect
- Are 3x more likely to become homeless
70% of children
whose parents have been incarcerated
suffer from emotional problems of anxiety, withdrawal, shame or depression*
*Source: Vera Institute of Justice